What are Bach Flower remedies?

These are 38 flower essences discovered by Dr Edward Bach in England, almost 100 years ago as a holistic healing system to ” Heal Thyself”.

Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants. Dr Bach believed that the flower essences interact with the subtle bodies of man and can thus help people with physical illness by addressing the emotional responses to their illness.

Each flower is aimed at healing or balancing a different state of mind or emotions. They do not treat physical illness directly but by restoring harmony to the mind they allow the body ‘s natural defense system to work optimally. This means that people can literally heal themselves. It is a holistic approach to healing, because it is the person as a whole rather than only their symptoms which the flower address.

It is complementary medicine, as it is compatible with whatever medical system one is using, doesn’t require you to stop your medication and can even help prepare the energetic backdrop for conventional medication to work better.So you can do what your doctor tells you, and take Bach as a complementary aid!

Who was Dr Bach ?

He was a British Physician, homeopath, bacteriologist and spiritual writer born in 1886 in Wales, best known for developing a range of remedies called the Bach Flower remedies, a form of alternative medicine inspired by classical homeopathic traditions.

He was diagnosed with cancer in 1917 and was given only 3 months to survive but lived for another 20 years developing the flower essences and treating himself. He was a visionary healer who recognized the soul-spiritual dimensions of healing, decades before this awareness gained public acceptance.

He would walk in the open fields for hours and intuitively tap into the flowers by experiencing their positive and healing aspects. He would actually experience the negative emotion and then by walking by, communing , touching the flower experience the positive – after which was a careful process of trial and error to ascertain the flower.

How are the essences made?

The Sun Method :

The mother essence is made by immersing fresh flower heads in a bowl of fresh spring water in the early morning of a sunny day, in full sunlight for 3-4 hours in the environment where the plants are growing. After several hours, the essence is gathered and preserved with organic grape brandy.

The Boiling Method:

Some of the essences- particularly many of the tree and woodier flowers ( aspen, willow,elm) are prepared by the boiling method. The flowering twigs and stems are simmered in stainless steel saucepans of spring water and then placed in their natural habitat to cool and allow sediment to settle before pouring them into jugs to add brandy.

What are the conditions that Bach flower remedies be used for ?

Bach flowers can help emotionally in a gamut of ways – trivial emotional disturbances ( eg suddenly feeling overwhelmed, feeling low for no reason), acute yet passing emotional imbalances ( eg rage, jealousy, guilt and hopelessness), deep seated long term emotional and mental states; personality traits and self development, lack of self esteem, anxiety,stress, anguish, grief, anger, love issues, exam fears and attention deficit disorder for children, jet lag, pre and post surgery and also for pets.