The Effect of Sound & Music on various spiritual, mental and physical aspects of environmental and bodily existence.

Sound along with many other modes of cure is a source of power. Power can be used in many ways. Therefore, this power can also be used as a way of cure and when it is done so It becomes sound therapy. When music is used as a way of healing, then that particular scale of meditation becomes a musical entity or musical healing.

Sound therapy and music therapy are both similar and different in their own way. Similar to the example of a venn diagram with intersecting aspects and stand alone entities.

Raga therapy is inclusive of ragas with emotional connotations. Hence becoming a deeper derivation of music therapy by itself, for example Rag Hameer can bring out deep rooted sorrow because of the synchronized nature of musical notation, rag yaman being of the same that (scale alignment) bears different qualities of musical understanding, showing why each raga is different from one and other.

Music therapy being a reference of just the emotional aspect without a derivative form. In raga therapy cultural beliefs are also brought to light as well as music pertaining to seasons and transformations of time, Rag Des covers great aspects of daily life in a setting, with great many variations in folk music realms. Rag malhar depicts monsoon, and Basant, spring. That which remains an expression in a musical form is given a deeper significance with the use of a raga holding emotional as well as highlighting various other factors surrounding the expression. For example, the expression of Peace can be denoted in many possible forms using a musical format. By using a raga in place of just music we not only highlight the expression of peace but we bring out other deeper factors related to the expression of peace. This provides a background to the character of musical expression. Bringing forth not only personal experiences but providing energy to the entire tale of experiences.

Rag Shiv ranjani as it’s name signifies bears connotation to Lord Shiva. If one considers the character of Lord Shiva , its that of a ascetic holy being, meditative, strong and powerful in nature, commanding static energy of lightning. This touches a deeper chord when when chooses to highlight the expression of Peace, instead of just it’s simple understanding as a word called peace.

The Role of Sound and Music pertaining to spirituality.

The use of sound and music has played a great role in spiritual circuits consisting of sociological expressions, religious symbols , spiritual experiences, mythological storytelling and artistic semblances that provide forth and tie communal harmony into a vivid and broader outlook. This gives an individual a deeper insight into many inner barriers and provides for a door towards knowledge, contemplation and also intellectual study.

Spiritual music and use of sound help one delve away from daily issues, problems , emotional difficulties where one can find a space for meditation , inward contemplations and also greater thinking this helps the development of society in a balanced and more compassionate manner providing for not only the resolve of common misjudgments but also a place for communion and harmony.

Music promotes relaxation. Listening to a particular classical piece of music is known to create a feeling of calmness, simply because of the slow tempo in its start and the use of musical notation in latter periods of meditation. By, in this manner creating a soothing landscape like exposure as a doorway to meditative calmness.

Many researchers have studied the effect of classical music on brain waves, and have found a positive impact of sound waves on brain matter. This proves a spiritual connection of music to natural and universal harmony. Rag Asaveri, bears a dark nature that highlights a war ridden cultural past where many priceless works and learning were plundered and left to the unknown. This can be felt in many classical renditions of this raga.

The effect of Sound and Music on mental spheres of the mind and inward abstractions.

Music is considered by many as a pathway to cure. Sound is a form of vibrational energy that has the ability to resound. This resounding energy is universally permeable. Pythagoras was an ancient philosopher who conducted and also concluded that this energy is can be witnessed and felt as a string of harmony in synchronic manner. His study of musical spheres also connotes to planetary orbital systems that connect many stars and orbiting bodies together.(*1)

Photo by Miriam Espacio on Pexels.com

Raga therapy or the practice of playing ragas using instruments or vocal techniques is known as riyaz. In this manner, one is also able to understand and relate to the different qualities of sound, that can be perceived to be similar at various layers and produce variety at other sound layers. Sound having the same quality as the energy of its creation, this also be a measure of its power and tonal quality. By bearing witness to the fact that the tonal quality of a flute piece will depend on the artistic understanding of the player and similarly with other music and instrumentals.

Rough sounds producing harsh and chaotic energy and soothing sounds producing a calming and relaxing effect. By going deeper into its soothing quality one can see its layering that on a large space being similar but differing in expression, quality, character that then provides a stand point to deeper sociological insights and meditative spirit. Meditation music will differ from classical music at a variant, and western classical will differ from other ethnic classical by means of its cultural differences, relaxing piano will differ from sound bowl relaxation but can merge at certain levels.

In meditation one can study these similarities in a more magnified manner, as natural sounds, synthetic sounds, rich sounds, everyday life, royalties, travel, honky tonk, age barriers, taste, contemplative abstractions, meditation music, instrumental heritages, and many such various categories that can be defined. Sound and music being more of an abstraction can mostly be theoretically observed only to a certain degree, its practical nature is usually inwardly felt and understood in moments of silence and calm spaces.

Rag Bageshree is known to help deal with insomnia, but also has the power to create a dream like awareness. When one hears this raga, sometimes one can grasp a deep dream like feeling that is usually felt just before one falls asleep. In this way it is possible to feel the divinity that flows through the entire network of life. Arjuna, one of the five Pandavas was called Gudakesha or one who has conquered the darkness of sleep. In mediation, one can experience the transcendence of sleep, similar to the dream like awareness of rag bageshree (*2)

Contemplation on the physical aspect of sound & music.

Sound is known to affect molecular structures and enhance them, creating a quality and energy related to its own. In places where sounds are loud trash like and heavy the energy that can be perceived to the extent of human nature is morose, dark and uncomfortable. In higher spaces and clean environments where winds can blow easily the song of nature is understandably more relaxing and meditative. (*3)

The same effects of sound can be studied at various levels and using a large variety of sound collections. In this way we can experience the effects of different qualities of sound energies and how it affects us. Once we can understand these subtleties we can look at raga’s in a more defined manner.

Because once we can understand the experience of sound we can denote raga’s and their expressive forms with a broader level of thought and perception. Scrutiny and narrow minded perspectives do not allow the clear light of meditative energy to permeate and therefore clouds artistic imagination. Imagination is a door to universal energy, without which even experiences do not find a place.

Take for example Rag Yaman, that belongs to Kalyan that. All swaras are shuddha, and also the use of all seven major note classifies it as a sampoorna raga. The time of play is evening and also night. If one hears this raga, that is possible through many online provisions, one is able to witness how evening twilight is highlighted, creating an aura of transcendence, that then connotes to qualities of clarity, peace, dreamlike vivid nature, inner stability. Rag yaman is also known to help dealing with joint pain and arthritis(*4). One must take a short look at why it could be so. Transcendence is a denoted quality of Yaman, Joint pains and arthritis are a block in the spiritual framework of the human body, qualities of transcendence and clarity, help rework this negative framework that helps in reuniting the mind to its original calm state.

Now, we can look at another example of raga therapy. Rag Basant, as its name connotes to the season of harvest, known in many parts of India as Baisakhi. In this small phrase of mention, it is easily visible that tradition mends music/ and the expression of raga into a deeper cultural meaning. This is a quality of raga I have expressed before(*5).

Rag Basant, is of Poorvi that. Five notes are placed in the aroh, Pancham(Pa) and rishabh (Re) are absent. The avroh consists of all seven notes, classifying it as Audhav – Sampoorna. (*6)

The reason this rag bears semblances with season of harvest, also connotes to the fact that gastral energies are pertinent, as harvest pertains to crop yield for the future. That is motif of the season of spring. Further going on to highlight and involve the role of the swadisthana chakra(*7). That deals with organs of digestion, assimilation and release of undigested material. Hence, clarifying that issues related to stomach problems, indigestion, food issues, and even deeper related issues can be diagnosed using this particular rag of mention, in musical healing.

Concluding a feeling and expression of understanding. Particularly mentioning that theoretically one can only surmise a small portion of learning, which has greater practical value to the extent of an individual/practitioners maturity. Once these dogmas are clear, it is possible to delve into the world of sound and music to deepen and strengthen the insight, power of sound cure and musical healing. This is what then can be termed a meditation on raga, sound, music, healing and other subtler levels of spiritual learning.




(*4)International Journal of Advanced Science and Research

ISSN: 2455-4227


Volume 1; Issue 1; January 2015; Page No. 09-13



(*7)https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/27751/10/10_chapter%204.pdf (book pg no – 301,315 pdf pg no 33,47)

This article was written by Varun Shah